
¤ overheat ¤ hibernation ¤ take a break ¤

ah, rasanya kita perlu sedikit bersantai sejenak.. memejamkan mata, membawa pikiran melesat ke sirius, merendamkan diri di kesejukan cosmic jacuzzi, memandang gemerlap cahaya bintang yang tak ada habisnya, ah betapa hidup kita itu hanyalah debu!

oiya, gw resign dari FB kmrn, survival test hahaa.. gw gak mau hidup gw ketergantungan sm sesuatu.

vanish vanish vanish, tired tired tired

:grok grok grok

bangunkan saya ketika api sudah tidak panas lagi dan es tidak dingin lagi yaaa… hehee…

abuse me

Silverchair – Abuse Me

Need to ask a question
Calling out my name
Nothing seems to bother
Wish I had a clue

C’mon abuse me more I like it

Well I don’t think you like me
Well I hate you as well
No one seems to like you
Wish I couldn’t tell

C’mon abuse me more I like it
C’mon keep talking ’cause it’s true
C’mon abuse me more I like it
C’mon keep talking ’cause it’s true
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard, overboard

C’mon abuse me more I like it
C’mon keep talking ’cause it’s true

throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard
throw the sailors overboard, overboard

“salah satu lagu favorit gw, memberikan semangat sekaligus melecehkan, hahahaa.. c’mon abuse me more I like it, hahahaa…”